July 30, 2020

Boost' your archery skills at home

As more clubs begin to reopen, we're aware that access to shooting and coaching may be more restricted, while some clubs may still be unable to use their usual facilities at all.

These uncertain times will affect the whole archery community but those with less experience may find themselves even more adrift. We appreciate that novice archers may be frustrated that their pre-lockdown fitness, skills and opportunities for progression have fallen away, which is why we're launching a dedicated online course designed to help them stay motivated and engaged with their sport.

Archery GB's well-established Boost course was developed to provide a specialised coaching framework for novice archers, to help them progress in their sport while having fun. As many people are currently experiencing difficulty accessing regular coaching and shooting at their club, our special online Boost course includes workshops that you can take part in from your own home.

The five-week course has been specifically designed to provide practical activities that members can get stuck into, covering all aspects of archery skills, short of actually shooting an arrow. Members shooting all bow styles will be able to get involved.

Workshops are particularly suited to improving archers but experienced members may also like to consolidate and complement their knowledge.

Topics will include:

  • 5 August - Equipment maintenance with Paralympic Technician, Kieran Carr
  • 19 August - Skills and drills with Coach Development Manager, Lloyd Brown
  • 2 September - Mental skills for archery with National Coach, Richard Priestman
  • 16 September - Performance planning and review with Lead Paralympic Coach, Rikki Bingham
  • 30 September - Strength and conditioning with Assistant Olympic Coach, Alberto Zagami

Workshops will be available on Archery GB's Facebook (@ArcheryGB) and YouTube channels, and any special equipment required to take part will be shared in advance. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions after the workshops, which will be collated and published as FAQs the following week.

Make sure to tune into Boost at home to keep your skills fresh and ready for the range!

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