May 13, 2024

easyfundraising: Raise club cash with your weekly shop

You could help support your club and earn donations just by using easyfundraising when doing your weekly shop.

Just one person could earn your club £120 doing their weekly food shop for a year, £45 by switching their household bill providers, £18 by buying annual insurances like home, car, or pet, and £60 on average when booking a holiday.

All of these transactions can benefit your club simply by doing your online shopping through easyfundraising. The platform partners with over 8,000 online retailers, so your club can receive free funding from your online shopping.

For your club to benefit, it needs to sign up to easyfundraising before it can share a link with members to get shopping.

easyfundraising graphic showing how to raise money through shopping online

Four ways to fundraising success with easyfundraising

  • Register your club – it’s completely free and only takes a couple of minutes
  • Share your unique cause link with your members, volunteers, and supporters and encourage them to use easyfundraising when they are shopping online
  • Book a free 121 call with the easyfundraising team for advice and support on getting your fundraising off to a flying start
  • Use the pre-built social media messages, flyers, toolkits, and more to encourage even more people to support your club fundraising

Archery club members, please do ask your club if it has been set up through Archery GB to use easyfundraising. You can then use your club’s easyfundraising link when making online purchases.

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