December 26, 2018

Need new competition ideas for 2019?

Do you want to run more club competitions in 2019 and get everyone involved? Newark Castle Archers and Ledbury Archery Club do, so they have come up with fresh twists on established ideas.

Newark Castle Archers has set up a Jack and Jill competition. Everyone who wants to be involved puts their name forward. The men's names go into a hat then each woman draws one out. That means you can be partnered with an archer from another discipline or with any level of experience. There are no handicaps and it's all the luck of the draw.

Once the teams are formed they shoot 10 rounds of six arrows at a distance of 40 yards for the man and 30 for the woman. This is done over three weeks to give everyone the chance to complete the shoot. The scores are then added together and the winner is decided. Chairwoman Mandie Elson said it proved very popular, particularly with winners Andrew Baldry and Marti Voce!

Ledbury Archery Club is a small and active Herefordshire club with space for both target and clout. But it but wanted to provide a little extra. So as well as laying out a small field course, it has introduced a form of popinjay: foam pigeons pegged to a tree and shot at with blunts from a low poundage horsebow.

If you want to share any club competition ideas, let us know at

Above: the Ledbury popinjay (left) and Mandie Elson presenting the Jack and Jill trophy to Andrew Baldry and Marti Voce

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